Band Booster – parent Mtg info

Microsoft Teams meeting

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Meeting ID: 237 467 810 320 

Passcode: yGhJt4 

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+1 901-602-6178,,113372890#   United States, Memphis

Phone Conference ID: 113 372 890# 

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Uniform online order form

The above form is our uniform that we use throughout the year. The shirt, shorts and backpack are a part of the clothing we wear to all games. For competition, we also all wear the same marching shoes that we will order through FJM. The boosters have a shoe sizing set that is coming so students will have the correct size to wear – do not try to order online as we all need to wear the same things. Also, the boosters will get a bulk discount and are tax exempt. The Hoodie, and track suit are customizable as is the backpack, but are not mandatory. Almost all students purchase them as it does get cold at games and we have worn the track suit on the field in the past. If you have questions about any of this, please email the me or the boosters through the site.

Band Camp updated information

Praise and important upcoming informationBe sure to “Follow” this page for updates(bottom right hand corner)

Band Camp information for next year: At the moment, so parents are best able to plan events over the summer before school starts, the tentative dates for band camp are as follows (depends on teacher in-service and the scheduled first days of school): July 12-14 is only for Band Leadership (no band practice), July 17* is only the Freshman and Leadership (other band members may join but not required), July 18*-21 and July 24-28 (7:30-5pm each day) is full band (everyone in attendance). More information will be coming as the year closes and we approach summer so everyone can plan accordingly. July 31-August 4th is also camp practice (this is in the calendar but I may have accidentally deleted it here) post teacher in-service, 3-6pm.

Please remember sunscreen, instrument, water bottle, hat, and potentially a change of clothes if you desire. We will be inside if the heat index peaks, but otherwise, we will be outside during the mornings each day. Please limit dairy products the night before or the morning of as it tends to make for an uncomfortable day.

Band App codes for classes

I am switching over from GroupMe and Remind to the Band app. It is a better functioning app with more capabilities for students and parents. Here are the links for each class.

Jazz Band

Marching Band

Symphonic Band

Wind Ensemble

Color Guard

Honors Theory

AP Music Theory

Band Parent Group